
Candidate Chat


Interested in networking with other women seeking the same elected office as you across the state? Being a female candidate can be lonely, so we’re creating a space for you to share your truth. Join us for an informal, virtual “Candidate Chat” to discuss your anxieties about running, build a support network with other female candidates, … Continued

Office Hours: Conversation About Serving in Appointed Office


We’re convening an informal panel of women currently serving on public boards and commissions to answer your questions about serving. They’ll take a deep dive into your questions: What was the appointment process like? What is the time commitment associated with serving? How do you juggle serving with other responsibilities? What are your relationships with … Continued

Candidate Chat


Interested in networking with other women seeking the same elected office as you across the state? Being a female candidate can be lonely, so we’re creating a space for you to share your truth. Join us for an informal, virtual “Candidate Chat” to discuss your anxieties about running, build a support network with other female candidates, … Continued