Join us as we recognize and celebrate all the brave South Carolina women who have stepped forward to seek elective and appointive office.

Volunteer for a campaign, find women running in your area, and get the 411 on voting!

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New Online Leadership Courses

Learn tricks of the trade with SC WIL’s new online self-paced training courses.

Serve On A Board

WIL built and maintains the only comprehensive statewide roster of open seats on appointed public boards and commissions at the municipal, county, and state levels.

Search Available Positions

Run, Volunteer, Vote

WIL encourages qualified women to run for office at all levels of government or become engaged in helping with a woman candidate’s campaign.

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Our Pillars

We are a multi-partisan, multi-racial alliance of women with a mission to move South Carolina forward socially, economically, educationally, and environmentally by sharing information, making connections, and encouraging engagement in local and state leadership opportunities.

Ensure Fair Voting

The voting process must be transparent, with no unnecessary barriers. To help achieve this crucial part of our democratic process, we focus on the areas of redistricting, voting technology, and vote verification.

Fill the Pipeline

Did you know that SC ranks a dismal 47th among the 50 states in the number of women in elected office? Since 2018, we’ve been working to encourage and support more women running for public office.

Reduce Polarization

Political polarization is increasingly intense. We believe that cooperation and respectful conversations can help decrease partisan tensions and that elevating more women in Congress will increase democratic legitimacy and simple justice.

Upcoming Events

Meet Our Founders

ElizaBeth Cronk-Horch

Lee Bussell

Anita Garrett

JoAnn Turnquist

Lou Kennedy

Lasenta Lewis-Ellis

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